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Welcome to Park Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy in central Nottingham

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"After my session a week ago I was still .... Like does this really work, or have I just wasted more money on trying to lose this weight. Well all I can say is WOW!!!! Does it work? Hell yes it does. I really can't believe the impact, no sugar in tea, no chocolate, nothing with sugar. I have lost 6lbs in weight already!! Bridgette - where have you been all my fat life?!" Ruth, Nottm.


Weight Loss . Sarah

How is it successful?...

Bridgette has been a weight loss therapist for over a decade, with a background in nutritional and addictions therapy for over 20 years. Putting all this experience together, along with the power of hypnotherapy, to create the highly successful Breakthrough Weightloss Revolution programme. You can either choose to lose weight by joining an on-line programme, or as a personal one-to-one client.

Understanding the mechanisms that run sugar addiction and out-of-control eating issues will help you take back control of your own cravings and old unwanted eating habits. They are both driven by our body's deep programming - a survival mechanism that's run by the brain, and not in our daily control. So you'll be using all the latest help and science to get you off the yo-yo diet and back in control of your eating patterns again. Your coaching will help you create positive lifestyle changes. It's highly motivational and designed to fit your unique needs.

So if you're open to a new approach to weight loss, there will be nutritional therapy for you, together with the latest techniques that will give you the edge to lose the weight and move on in your life. Just like the 1000's of clients who have already successfully completed Bridgette's programmes.

If you want to break out of the endless yo-yo cycle of diet followed by inevitable weight gain then there are 2 ways you can do this...

1:1 therapy sessions with Bridgette...
Will be an intensive, immersive experience. You'll have between 3 & 6 sessions of 1:1 therapy. Each session will be 2 hours long, so you'll get some really strong weight loss therapy done in each session. There are dozens of resources to support your changes. Along with the weight loss therapy, there's strategies for managing all those trigger situations in life, self help techniques to switch off cravings and gentle, powerful hypnotherapy that will help you make friends with your body and your food. It will take place over a period of weeks or months depending on your personal needs. We will expect you to be at least a dress size down by then, with the resources to carry on for as long as you need to reach your Unique Body Goal. Please see more details about the sessions here

"Wow. What an amazing experience! Bridgette put me at ease from our first meeting. Her eating plan combined with hypnotherapy really works. I have the results to prove it. I was a little wary of using hypnotherapy to help with weight loss but after the first session realised there was nothing to worry about. I just wish I had found Bridgette years ago." Helen H. 1:1 weight loss client,

If you would rather work with Bridgette on-line...
Then this weight loss programme is a whole decade of weight loss expertise condensed into a programme you can use at home. There are monthly videos, hypnotherapy audios that cover all of the issues associated with weight loss, from knocking out sugar cravings to making good food choices even when eating around others. There's lots of vital resources to take away; and a guided, step by step approach to weight loss that is already bringing in fantastic reviews:

"Bridgette, you are my lifeline. I listen to the audios every day, and I can't believe the change in just a couple of weeks!" Sharon A,

At the moment the cost of the online programme is just £37 per month, which is about a cup of coffee a day! Check out the details here if you'd like to know more

***PLEASE NOTE*** The programme now has on-line therapy with Bridgette, in person, every month, as a FREE part of your membership too!

"I can not recommend Bridgette and breakthrough weightloss enough. My life has completely changed in the last 6 weeks not only have I lost 12lb and dropped a dress size I also have alot more energy, clearer skin and a more positive outlook." Debbie Foote, BWL PRO member

Book your free consultation HERE today. Or call 0115 9781006, and we can chat about the next best step for you.

This little BREAK THE CRAVE SYSTEM...7 STEPS TO EFFORTLESS, LIFELONG WEIGHT LOSS contains The Simple 7 Step blue-print for weight loss. Click on the link if you're interested to know more. It's received over fifty 5***** ratings on amazon so far and counting!

Weight Loss . BOOK COVER

Weight Loss . SHELLEY

How Your Therapy Works:

  • BREAK out of your food cycle

  • BANISH sugar addiction

  • TOTALLY master cravings

  • FALL back in love with your food

  • RE-CONNECT to your natural fat-burning mechanism

  • RELEASE food addiction

  • TAP into your sky-high motivation

  • REMOVE old negative food habits


    Because you will never be able to keep it up for long enough.

    Your body (actually...your deep body's programming for survival) won't let you eat less than you need for very long. This is why we always put the weight back on again...you can't ignore that deep programming, because it rules your habits, and what's more, you never will!

    So the real trick to losing weight (and more importantly- keeping it off this time), is to break out of that cycle of self-denial followed by the inevitable over-eating. Once your don't feel like you're missing out on anything, and your body senses that it's safe to drop the pounds, then there's nothing to have will-power about.

    All you need is a little commitment to doing something different this time, and I will take care of the rest for you...


    Is the only way for the pounds to drop off easily. As we are all pretty well aware by now, that diets don't work! Making deep, lasting changes to your habits around food will free you from the holding pattern of the yo-yo diet...lifting you out of the endless food cravings cycle and into weight loss.

    You know what, then have the ability to say those 3 little words... "No thank you!"

    You have the right to a healthy slender body. Weight loss hypnosis, when used alongside some powerful cutting edge techniques, combined with the the most up-to-date nutrition information for sustainable weight loss- will help you achieve you own Unique Body Goal.

    Since my session with Bridget my life has changed. I'm a new woman. After 37 years I am now sugar free and no longer an emotional eater.
    I've been trying to beat it seriously for 8 years and after a morning with Bridget I have never looked back. She is so passionate about her work and is just a very genuine, caring practioner!

    No cravings, no hunger, no mood swings. Without the sugar dips my mood has elevated and I just feel happy! I never thought the day would come but it has!
    Thank you Bridget for your amazing work. ❤" Damselfly 2022

    CALL TODAY 0115 9781006, or 07813 462589 to book a FREE telephone consultation


    Weight Loss . JULIET

    Weight Loss . sugar-addiction-fw

    "After cutting out sugar for a month, it has made me aware of just how much sugar I was eating. I don't need/want sugar now, my craving for chocolate has stopped. Its life changing and I highly recommend working with Bridgette as she is an expert and can help you to take control and make positive changes to your life" Jackie Wilson, Nottm.

    Weight Loss . ME!


    IF you are one of the many that suffer from an addiction to sugar, (and that used to include me...I lost four and a half stone myself using this weight loss programme. It's why I created it for you).

    Or maybe you just can't seem to resist it, even when you tell yourself not to, then call Bridgette on (0115) 9781006 and I'll help you decide what's the next best step for you.

    It's easier than you think (and more enjoyable than you could imagine!), to banish cravings, create a peaceful relationship with food, and reconnect to your own natural appetite. Taking back control comes out of enjoying your meals and making friends with your food again!

    If you can't get to the clinic, or you would like to Kick that Sugar today look no further for the famous Kick The Sugar download and begin to banish sugar cravings TODAY!...

    The book is now available on Kindle for £3.95 BREAK THE CRAVE SYSTEM...7 STEPS TO EFFORTLESS, LIFELONG WEIGHT LOSS

    Weight Loss . BOOK COVER


  • Hypnotherapy has helped so many people lose weight and keep it off, because it allows you to change the way you feel about food, your body, and yourself. You will lose all of those nasty habits and cravings quickly and with less effort than you can imagine!

  • You will also find the motivation you need, no matter how long you've been on a 'diet' for!

  • You will feel healthier, happier and 'fit for life', whether you just need to lose a couple of pounds, get rid of your sugar craving, or need a serious change of lifestyle. All these things are possible for you, because you will be given the tools to get back in control and stay there - it's all up to YOU!

  • If you can imagine how it feels to be able to get into that special dress, or pair of jeans, or be able to look in the mirror see the real you, then you can ACHIEVE that goal - because it is all completely up to YOU.


    Literally! Because you will change all kinds of different negative attitudes to food, at a very deep level in the subconscious mind (where all the problems start in the first place!)

    Most people find that the cravings and problems they have with food just drop away easily and effortlessly, and before you know it you're feeling 10 years younger!

    For more information on weight loss hypnosis in Nottingham, ring the Centre on 0115 9781006, or Bridgette on 07813 462589.

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