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Workplace Resilience...Vital Skills For Effective People

Workplace resilience workshops. BUSINESS

Resilience in the workplace is a popular and powerful training.

We will design the training to meet the needs of the employer, so that it can run from half an hour to a day, to a whole week of immersive exercises and skills-sharing, either in-house, or at a venue of your choice. Small groups can also be completely catered for at our clinic in Nottingham.

The workshops are designed to help the members enjoy a greater degree of resilience in the workplace. We will use a variety of tools, aimed at giving members of the workshop a subjective physical experience of feeling calm and in control of their responses to workplace expectations. To feel an ability to respond appropriately to the needs of the workplace setting, and to have a healthy, balanced attitude to their own workload.
Some of the tools will be visualisation-based, and will actually take place in the workshop. Explanations of the Nervous system responses involved and how to manage them effectively are an integral part of the package. Teamed with self help techniques, designed as interventions to work quickly and effectively on the nervous system, and used actually in the workplace to create resilience and strengthen coping skills by directly affecting the 'alarm' signals in the nervous system. Used over time, these self help techniques have been shown to help soften stress messages and impact positively on staff well-being.

Resources will be given out to delegates to take away and use at their own leisure that will complement and reflect the tools delivered on the day.

All the workshops are bespoke designed and tailored to suit the needs of the employer and staff receiving the training.

Whether there is 300 delegates, or just a handful, the care taken to provide precisely the right training will always be impeccable.

Call the Clinic on (0115) 9781006 for more details on how we can improve the wellbeing and productivity of your priceless work force.

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