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Welcome to Park Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy in central Nottingham

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"Excellent, friendly, professional service from Bridgette. I was slightly sceptical as I had been a heavy smoker for 17 years and I'd tried a few times previous to quit but with no success. ...A month on from my hypnotherapy session I haven't smoked since!!! I am amazed and delighted. I cannot recommend you enough. Thankyou!" Kirsty B

Smoking & Addictions. Quit smoking

Stop Smoking With Us...


Hypnotherapy is known to be three times more effective that the leading nicotine replacement therapy in helping people to stop smoking for good. That's because you are in charge - you don't need drugs, and you'll have minimal cravings after the therapy session (if any). So no more feelings of being chained to something you desperately want to get away from! The choice is completely yours and most of our clients say they wish they'd done it years ago

"I've not smoked in over 2 weeks now and 15 years is a hard habit to break! Anyway, thanks to you, I'm finally free". Ben Tricarico, Nottingham.

If you're ready to tick it off your to-do list, then call 01159 781006 today and we'll get you booked in for a 2 hour session that will literally change your life.

Sarah Blades

"I recently visited Brigette to help me stop smoking. I had been a smoker since the age of 14 and now at 38 decided it was time for me to quit for good. I had one session of hypnosis with Brigette and am proud to say that 5 weeks later I am very happy non smoker!
Having this therapy has changed my life and it is all thanks to her. The smell of cigarettes now turns my stomach which I never thought I would say and I am confident that I will never smoke again.
I can’t recommend her enough. Thank you again for everything Brigette!"


  • WHEN you're ready to make that choice hypnotherapy gives you the ability to carry your decision through, with as little effort and stress as possible. You'll have self-help tools that help with stress and cravings control to take home, to help you feel comfortably free of cravings, and out of your old habit after the session.

  • Most people who stop with hypnotherapy do so in ONE session. And they feel released from the effects of the nicotine after a very short time. I hear the phrase "It's the best decision I've made!"- all the time. So this could be the best decision you'll make this year too, or maybe even this decade!

  • If you know now that it's time to FREE yourself, then make the decision and call us today. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by feeling better than you have done for years.

  • "Well would like to say a mahoosive thank you to Bridget never did I think l could become a non smoker ,Well after visiting and not going to lie having a ciggie before I went in ,and come out a non smoker. is all I can say is give it a try I was a smoker for over 40yrs .." Denise Burrows

    Smoking & Addictions. cigarette butts-fw

    IT'S SIMPLE!...

    Once you make the decision to stop for good, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to knock out nicotine cravings. The skills you learn in the session will help in other areas of your life as well. You'll have a download that targets stress relief, so you won't need to use the cigarettes to relax or deal with stressful situations. Using new techniques is all part of your therapy.

    Use hypnotherapy to stop smoking and stay stopped!

    We know how simple it is for you, because we see it all the time! We've been helping people to stay stopped since 2007, and 100's of people have visited the clinic for their stop smoking therapy since we opened in 2012.

    Call us for a chat on 0115 9781006 or 07813 462589 and Bridgette can answer any questions you may have.

    10 Jan 2022
    "Stopped smoking with one session
    If you are putting off smoking, or if you feel like you’re not even sure you want to stop smoking just do it.

    I came to Bridgette feeling like I had to stop smoking but internally didn’t want to. I enjoyed it, felt like it was the only thing that I did “for me”, and just felt there was no way I could manage without it.

    I also didn’t believe in hypnotherapy! I’ve never been able to practice mindfulness or relax fully but this is very different to anything I’ve done before.

    If you want to walk away with sustainable strategies and and unwavering motivation to stay stopping smoking- just do it. I know I will never be a smoker again and the only thing that I regret is not coming to Bridgette sooner.

    The first few days are interesting whilst you deal with the physical cravings and adjust to the new you but after a week it feels like you’re in the new normal.

    I don’t feel like I have to fight any cravings OR feel tempted. It’s been easier than I could have imagined".

    CAN'T GET TO US?...

    If you can't get to us at the clinic, and you feel ready to stop RIGHT NOW...TODAY! Then this amazing download has all the triggers used in the personal 1:1 therapy session and will help you gently erase the cravings from your nervous system!


    All addictions are the result of the same physiological and mental processes and habits that create the feeling that you can't do without something. So no matter what that addiction may be for you, whether it's a chemical substance such as alcohol, prescription drugs, prohibited drugs or sugar, or an addictive behaviour such as gambling-the treatment is similar (although specifically aimed at your particular issue). We can be there to help and support you if you are going through rehabilitation, or give you the help you need to make that first decision to liberate yourself from your addiction. When you're ready to make that choice, we will be here to help you.

    "I went to quit weed thinking nothing could help me then I got in contact and since then my life has changed I was smoking 10 plus spliffs a day to zero all because of these lovely people I would 1000% recommend them" Keaton Dobbins

    "I went to see Bridgette as I was concerned about the way my drinking habits had escalated since lockdown. I’d always enjoyed a glass of wine but found that my alcohol intake was starting to become unhealthy and I realised I needed help to tackle the habit.
    On visiting Bridgette I didn’t really know what to expect, however the whole experience was just amazing.
    Bridgette thoroughly explained the reasons and factors contributing to my “reaching for the wine” (many of which I’d never even have known about/considered), she performed her hypno magic and gave me home help programmes and techniques to help me stay focussed.
    3 weeks on and I’m totally IN CONTROL. I’ve only had a couple of very small social spritzers since my first visit (rather than my bottle of wine every night!!) and the difference is that I CHOSE the spritzer…. I didn’t feel I NEEDED the spritzer.
    Had my second visit today and Bridgette performed a little more magic to reaffirm my control/change and I feel relaxed and fantastic.
    I would HIGHLY recommend Bridgette!! She absolutely knows what she is talking about and in addition she is totally lovely and genuinely cares! I’ll be going back just to hear her lovely calming voice!!
    Thanks Bridgette. You are fabulous!" Amy Fisher, Jan 2022

    "I received an amazing service and was impressed by the power of hypnosis and what it can do. Worth every penny. For those of you struggling with addictions, this could be thing that can help you, like it helped me. I was a chronic alcoholic, drinking every day for several years. I haven't had a drink ever since my first session with Bridgette. She is an amazing woman and she is very good at what she does. Highly recommended. Thank you Bridgette!!!" I N 2021

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