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Welcome to The Park Hypnotherapy Centre Hypnotherapy in central Nottingham

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Expertly Here For You...

"After hearing positive experiences from friends I decided to have some hypnotherapy. I just googled it & connected with Bridgette & I couldn’t be happier. Bridgette was immediately welcoming & open, & I felt a great sense of trust with her. I’m thrilled with how I feel & the results & I genuinely would recommend hypnotherapy to anybody" Stuart Broad MBE

Hypnotherapy in Nottingham: Welcome to The Park Hypnotherapy Centre...

We aim to help you deal with your issues as effectively as possible so you can move on and enjoy your life with a healthy and positive outlook. For a chat about how you can get help to resolve your problems today call 01159 781006 for a telephone consultation, or mob: 07813 462589

EMAIL your no obligation enquiry

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Help available for You at The Park Hypnotherapy Centre...

Our multi-award winning team of caring, highly experienced hypnotherapists is based on the outskirts of central Nottingham.
Our mission is to help you improve the quality of your life as quickly and easily as possible.
Using specialist expertise, we will work with you to create the right conditions for your positive change.

We are a small team of hypnotherapists based in central Nottingham who specialise in using hypnosis for:

  • Pain Management
  • Trauma resolution
  • Sexual/Relationship Issues

However, we are here to help with lots of life's other little problems, and the not so small ones as well!

We're also very proud to have been given the 3 Best Rated Award for Excellence as a Hypnotherapy Practice for the last 5 years running!... So you know you're in safe hands!

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"Hi, I booked the 2 hour stop smoking session with Bridgette on the 30th of September and I am still a no smoker, I really didn't expect it to be as easy and affective as it's been so thanks for your expertise Bridgette it's a life changer🙂🙂" Steve Whiston Dec 2023

For help with confidence, public speaking and anxiety issues CLICK HERE for downloads that will help gently alleviate anxiety and stressful feelings.

Enjoy them and notice powerful changes beginning in the comfort of your own home!

CALL TODAY on (01159) 781006
Bridgette Hamilton has been a practising clinical Hypnotherapist for over 15 years, and is the owner of The Park Hypnotherapy Centre since it opened in September 2012.

She works in Nottingham, and also online, and is a weight loss and addictions hypnosis specialist. She is the founder of the highly successful Breakthrough Weightloss.


The Park Hypnotherapy Centre was established out of the growing need for a hypnotherapy service in a one-stop location.

Our consultation rooms in Nottingham are a safe and comfortable place to help you unlock the potential for change, using hypnosis alongside the most up-to-date techniques for managing rapid transformation. We also have experienced psychotherapists on hand to listen. We can help you make changes in any area of your life that have been limiting you or holding you back, always aware that you have all the answers you already need. We will just help you to unlock them.

See our prices here

We are an experienced, caring and highly qualified team of hypnotherapists in central Nottingham. Our goal is to help you improve the quality of your life as quickly and easily as possible, and the freedom to make powerful positive changes in your own way. We are all actively engaged in continuing professional development that allows us to be up-to-the-minute with the latest in professional help for you.

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Expertly Here For You....

Bridgette is a Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine, as well as a member of the Complementary Therapies Association (CThA), the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), and listed on the Hypnotherapy Directory and the General Hypnotherapy Register.

She has a very high level of expertise in her field, and is a licensed and accredited Hypnotherapy Practitioner, with a Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD) accredited from the National Council for Hypnotherapy as well as over 20 years' experience as a complementary therapist, where she worked in the public as well as the private sector. She was a project manager for the Holistic Health Team- a Nottingham-based team of therapists who worked alongside government agencies and professional bodies, and their service users, for many years.

This has allowed Bridgette to work with a wide range of people in all walks of life, and gain a large amount of experience in helping others.

Danni Hutchings, and Mick Marshall also work out of the Park Hypnotherapy Centre, and have a very high level of expertise and experience in their respective fields.

***We are all highly qualified and fully insured to practice.***

Danielle Hutchings is a clinical hypnotherapist. She previously worked for many years in the retail trade and so has met hundreds of different people from all walks of life with many a story to tell.

After suffering with her own mental health a decade ago she decided to seek out alternative therapies to help, and soon discovered the wonderful power of hypnotherapy and how it can help in so many ways. This then gave her the motivation and desire to help other people overcome their issues and so here she is, loving what she does!

Mick Marshall began using hypnosis to help others in 1997. He's always been fascinated with the phenomena of hypnotic trance, and obtained a qualification with the National College of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, in 1997.

"After some years of practicing therapy, I took a break to become a Police Officer. Having utilised the power of Hypnosis for myself to gain entry to the job, I served in the local Police Force for almost 20 years. During that time, I was also able to help many vulnerable and fragile victims of crime. Victims of serious abuse or violence often need to dig deep to find the strength to stand up and be heard. I am proud to have been able to assist many of them to find that strength."

​In 2019, he left the force and returned once again to offer hypnotherapy services, where he now works with all varieties of trauma and psychological issues.

​Please call 0115 9781006 for more details on their services.

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Contact Us Today...

For a telephone consultation with a hypnotherapist in Nottingham, just call 01159 781006, or Bridgette is available to answer your questions on 07813 462589.

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For a hypnotherapist in Central Nottingham, The Park Hypnotherapy Centre is within easy reach of Nottingham City, close to Canning Circus on Derby Road, and central to the Ring Road. There is free parking available.

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